Product Leaders

Create an amazing Chat UX for your app

Create a next generation user experience. Boost engagement. Drive usage and grow revenue.


CopyGen helps 76,000+ people like you create better content 10X faster.

Start for free
How it works

Build a chat UX in an hour


Upload your API spec

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Add a few examples

Explain with as many details as possible to the AI what you would like to write about.

  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto
  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto

Embed the chat UX

Our highly trained AI understands your details and generate unique and human-like content in seconds.

Learn about besnifits

Not just another chatbot

Powerful chat UX

Execute tasks through your API. Query datasets, Ask questions from content. It's a lot more than a chat bot.

Style To Match Your Brand

Change the look and feel to blend in with your app's design. You have full control over the colors and background

Pop-Up Or Widget

Pick between a chat-gpt-like widget or Intercom like pop-up. Decide where and how the chat UX is exposed.

Details Logs

Granular logs to understand how users are interacting with your chat UX. Making it easy to refine and iterate.

Built-in security

Designed with privacy and security in mind. Dual-layer architecture to prevent application data from leaking to the LLM

Usage-based pricing

No upfront costs. Pay for what you use. Just $0.01 per chat message. Your first 1000 messages are on us.

Remove friction from your user journey

Add a chat UX to your app

Create a next generation user experience. Boost engagement. Drive usage and grow revenue.

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  • Cancel anytime
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